Vevo Travel Award 2017 Recipients


Dr. Jing Wu, University of Iowa (PI: Curt D. Sigmund
Title: Smooth Muscle PPARγ Mutation Causes Salt-sensitive Hypertension
Presenting at: AHA Hypertension

Dr. Louis Wang, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Australia (PI: Diane Fatkin)
Title: A Novel Zebrafish Model Of Human A-Band Truncated Titin Exhibits Altered Ventricular Diastolic Compliance In-Vivo And Reveals Enhanced Susceptibility To The Effects Of Volume Overload
Presenting at: AHA


Dr. Martina Capozza, University of Torino (PI: Silvio Aime)
Title: Photoacoustic imaging of tumors using novel ICG-based contrast agents in mice
Presenting at: WMIC

Mr. Diego Dumani, Georgia Institute of Technology (PI: Stanislav Emelianov)
Title: In Vivo Photoacoustic Detection of Lymph Node Metastasis using Glycol-Chitosan-Coated Gold Nanoparticles
Presenting at: IEEE

Dr. Taeho Kim, UC San Diego
Title: Photoacoustic Imaging of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Labeled with Prussian Blue-Poly-l-Lysine (PLL) Nanocomplexes
Presenting at: WMIC


Mr. Chien-Ju Chen, UCSD, La Jolla, California, USA Title: Lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles: photacoustic imaging applied to ovarian cancer diagnosis Presenting at: 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting in San Francisco Ms. Tatjana Opacic, Experimental Molecular Ima, Aachen, Germany Title: Bubble tracking for the textural and functional vascular chracterization of tumors at superresolution Presenting at: European Society for Molecular Imaging (EMIM) 2017 Tatjana-VTA.jpg Ms. Tatjana Opacic receives Vevo Travel Award at EMIM from Lydia Eidenmuller.


Dr. Daniela Carnevale, Sapienza University of Rome and IRCCS NeuormedTitle: Targeting IL-1β Protects From Aortic Aneurysms Induced by Disrupted TGFβ signaling in SMCs.
Presenting at: ATVB

Dr. Xulei Qin, Stanford University
Title: Tracking Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Post-Myocardial Infarction Heart with Photoacoustic Imaging
Presenting at: BCVS


Ms. Caralynn Wilczewski, UNC Chapel Hill
Title: The CHD4/ NuRD complex functions to directly repress smooth and skeletal sarcomere isoforms in the developing heart
Presenting at: Weinstein Cardiovascular Development and Regeneration Meeting

Mr. Vasco Sampaio-Pinto, i3S - Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, Portugal
Title: Neonatal Apex-Resection Triggers Cardiomyocyte Proliferation, Neovascularization and Functional Recovery in Spite of Local Fibrosis 
Presenting at: European Society of Cardiology

More awards available for Cardiology, Neurobiology and Molecular Imaging tracks for 2017. Learn more.