A High-resolution, Multi-modal Solution for Robust Evaluation of Small Animal Pancreatic Tumor Models
From model generation with image-guided injection to characterization of the tumor micro-environment.
Vevo ultra-high frequency ultrasound and photoacoustic technology enables you to get a complete understanding of the anatomy and physiology in your specific tumor models and monitor response to treatment longitudinally.
With Vevo Imaging Systems you can:
- Non-invasively inject and generate orthotopic models with precision
- Quickly and accurately measure tumor size
- Monitor perfusion kinetics with contrast enhanced ultrasound
- Characterize tumor micro and macro vasculature in response to treatment
- Assess intratumoral hypoxia
- Perform targeted measurements of nanomedicines or theranostic agents

Healthy Pancreas
Anatomical location of the healthy mouse pancreas with ultrasound. The head of the pancreas is seen on the left and the tail of the pancreas can be visualized on the right.
Image-guided Needle Injection
Example of image guided injection into the tail of the mouse pancreas. This technique can be used to deliver cancer cells to develop a model, as a non-invasive alternative to surgery.

Pancreatic Tumor
Left: Small pancreatic tumor in a mouse model with approximate sizing in purple.
Right: 3D Color Doppler image of a pancreatic tumor (yellow) and the kidney (blue) with volumetrics performed.

3D and B-Mode
Left: Murine pancreatic tumor shown in 3D with color Doppler highlighting major vasculature going away from the transducer (blue) and towards the transducer (red).
Right: B-Mode image of a murine pancreatic tumor (circled in yellow) on left with co-registered photoacoustic Oxy-Hemo Mode on right. Red depicts oxygenated hemoglobin and blue depicts deoxygenated hemoglobin.