Explore the Possibilities with Angiostamp™800
NIR molecular imaging agent for oncology
AngiostampTM 800 is an organic near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent and photoacoustic imaging agent licensed by Optimal Grenoble, a small animal imaging team in France.
It is a NIR imaging agent targeting the αvβ3 integrin. The αvβ3 integrin is overexpressed at the surface of activated endothelial cells during angiogenesis and in various types of tumor cells.
Initially developed as a contrast agent for tumor detection using fluorescence, AngiostampTM 800 can also be used for detecting tumors with high resolution at depth using photoacoustic imaging.

Fluorescent Imaging vs Contrast Agents
The left depicts a whole body fluorescent image of a mouse with AngiostampTM 800 (green) in the kidneys.
The right depicts a whole body co-registered high resolution ultrasound and photoacoustic image of a mouse showing photoacoustic signal from AngiostampTM 800 (green) in the kidneys.
Angiostamp™ 800 Resources

Download the flyer from Optimal Grenoble to get an overview of what Angiostamp™ 800 can provide for your research studies.

This publication highlights the use of Angiostamp™ 800 and high resolution photoacoustic imaging to stage liver metastasis in a mouse model.
Presented by Jonathan Lavaud, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at Optimal Institute for Advanced Bioscience, Grenoble, France.