Pancreas Gallery

Left Kidney, Spleen and Pancreas

B-mode image of the left kidney, spleen and pancreas acquired using a UHF57x transducer on the Vevo F2.

Mouse Kidney, Spleen and Pancreas

Ultrasound guided free hand injection into the murine pancreas
Acquired using the Vevo 3100.

40uL volume injected into the mouse pancreas transcutaneously with image-guided injection
Acquired using the Vevo 3100.

Pancreatic tumor oxygen saturation

Pancreatic tumor size

Pancreatic Tumor Color Doppler 3D

Pancreas Injection

Healthy Pancreas - Tail

Healthy Pancreas - Head

Orthotopic Pancreatic Tumor

High-resolution ultrasound (greyscale) and photoacoustic (red = oxygenated hemoglobin and blue = deoxyhemoglobin) image of an orthotopic pancreatic tumor outlining anatomy.

Blood flow in orthotopic tumor

3D rendered (left) and 2D (right) high-resolution ultrasound (greyscale) and color Doppler (orange and blue) image of an orthotopic pancreatic tumor showing blood flow.