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Browse Research Ultrasound Images
Whole body photoacoustic imaging of a mouse following intravenous injection of indocyanine green. Images acquired using our Vevo LAZR-X system in conjunction with our upcoming innovative whole body photoacoustic imaging setup.
In vivo 3D rendered coregistered high-resolution ultrasound (greyscale) and photoacoustic (red, white and blue) image of a mid-gestational fetus and its associated placenta.
Ultrasound and photoacoustic image of a tumor showing oxyhemoglobin (red), deoxyhemoglobin (blue), targeted nanoparticles (green) and non-targeted nanoparticles (yellow.)
A very amusing image of what looks like a rabbit embryo in a murine dam. Image courtesy of Dr. Gilles Renaud from Cochin Institute in Paris, France.
Bacterial infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in the case of antibiotic-resistant strains of S. aureus.  A small animal model that uses noninvasive imaging provides a valuable system to study pathogenesis, its treatments, and diagnostic approaches
In this study, we show that mapping the change in blood oxygen saturation (StO2) with photodynamic therapy (PDT) within the 3D tumor volume could act as a surrogate marker to predict the likelihood of PDT success and could identify regions of local tumor recurrence within this 3D tumor volume.

Description: Nanobody functionalized gold nanostars (in green) as a theranostic agent for multimodal imaging and photothermal treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer as reported by D’Hollander et al, – 2014 Vevo Young Investigator Winner - Molecular Imaging track

Late-stage ovarian cancer is fatal, and early stage is treatable. Detecting the early stage is a major translational challenge in the research of this cancer. Ultrasound of ovaries and more importantly markers of abnormal growth have made milestones.
The images in the column for the vehicle shows annotations in the first image to guide your understanding of this ultrasound image. The green trace shows the area of the liver that was investigated.