Our Ultra High Frequency Ultrasound Technology for Preclinical and Clinical use:
The Vevo® platform was the world’s first commercially available ultra high frequency array based ultrasound imaging system and has since emerged as the gold standard in small animal anatomical and functional in vivo imaging.
The Vevo family of micro-ultrasound products enables the researcher to obtain in vivo anatomical, functional, physiological and molecular data simultaneously, in real-time and with a resolution down to 30 µm. The system is easy to use, non-invasive and fast, providing extremely high throughput when needed.
It is designed with the researcher in mind, with system presets and animal handling tools for fast image acquisition and numerous protocols, software and data management tools optimized for today’s scientists. Learn more about our ultra high frequency ultrasound systems for preclinical and clinical.
Our Photoacoustics Technology:
Our Photoacoustic imaging technology is an in vivo hybrid imaging modality that combines the sensitivity and contrast of optical imaging with the depth and high resolution of our ultrasound technology. When pulsed laser light illuminates tissue, the optical absorbers there (such as hemoglobin) undergo thermoelastic expansion, generating an acoustic pressure wave which is detected with an ultrasound transducer.