We can say whatever we like about our products and services on our website. What really matters is how our customers respond to our support. Here are a few snippets about what our valued customers think about our products.
Would you recommend the Vevo imaging system to your colleagues?
Yes, High resolution, fast acquisitions, nice respiratory and ECG gating (easily implemented), accurate tumor volume measurements (even for orthotopic models), high throughput. A lot of parameters can be monitored in a given animal with time.
- Florian Raes, CIPA CNRS French National Center for Scientific Research
Yes. I would inform them of the impeccable resolution and of features like 3D and the microbubbles.
-Corey L. Reynolds, Baylor College of Medicine
Yes, advantages: high-resolution, user-friendly and robust software
-Hadi T. Nia, MGH, Harvard Medical School
High resolution for small animals - better than similar clinical instruments. Usable research-based software.
- Gary Sahagian, Tufts Medical School
Yes! Worth learning how to do ultrasound imaging for rodents. The Vevo system works for micro- and molecular-imaging of tumor phenotypes.
- Victoria Herrera, MD, Boston University School of Medicine