Publications Library

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Publications related to Vevo 3100

Displaying 411 - 420 of 1671 results found
Early pathological characterization of murine dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysms
APL Bioengineering
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CD73 Expression on Mesenchymal Stem Cells Dictates the Reparative Properties via Its Anti-Inflammatory Activity
Stem Cells International
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Characterization and Imaging of Lipid-Shelled Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Release of Xenon
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Systemic and cardiac susceptibility of immune compromised mice to doxorubicin
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Chronic Nicotine Exposure Alters Uninjured Tendon Vascularity and Viscoelasticity
Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics
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Quantitative Ultrasound in Ex Vivo Fibrotic Rabbit Livers
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
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On-Demand Detaching Nanosystem for the Spatiotemporal Control of Cancer Theranostics
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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The role of fibroblast – Cardiomyocyte interaction for atrial dysfunction in HFpEF and hypertensive heart disease
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
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The TIR/BB-loop mimetic AS-1 prevents Ang II-induced hypertensive cardiac hypertrophy via NF-κB dependent downregulation of miRNA-143
Scientific Reports
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EXPRESS: Pressure overload induced right ventricular remodeling is not attenuated by the anti-fibrotic agent Pirfenidone
Pulmonary Circulation
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