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Publications related to Vevo 3100

Displaying 351 - 360 of 1671 results found
Interference with ERK-dimerization at the nucleocytosolic interface targets pathological ERK1/2 signaling without cardiotoxic side-effects
Nature Communications
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Speckle Tracking Echocardiography: New Ways of Translational Approaches in Preeclampsia to Detect Cardiovascular Dysfunction
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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Age and Sex Differences in Hearts of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Null Mice
Frontiers in Physiology
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Assessment of ICAM-1 N-glycoforms in mouse and human models of endothelial dysfunction
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Ribonuclease 1 attenuates septic cardiomyopathy and cardiac apoptosis in a murine model of polymicrobial sepsis
JCI Insight
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Empagliflozin Ameliorates Obesity-Related Cardiac Dysfunction by Regulating Sestrin2-Mediated AMPK-mTOR Signaling and Redox Homeostasis in High-Fat Induced Obese Mice
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Label-free photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging for murine atherosclerosis characterization
APL Bioengineering
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Acute kidney injury promotes development of papillary renal cell adenoma and carcinoma from renal progenitor cells
Science Translational Medicine
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Regeneration of testis tissue after ectopic implantation of porcine testis cell aggregates in mice: Improved consistency of outcomes and in situ monitoring
Reproduction, Fertility and Development
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REEP5 depletion causes sarco-endoplasmic reticulum vacuolization and cardiac functional defects
Nature Communications
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