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Publications related to Vevo MD
Ultrasound Evaluation of Peripheral Nerve Trauma
Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports
, Ultrasound-guided injection of intralesional steroids in acute hidradenitis suppurativa lesions: A prospective study
Dermatologic Therapy
, Ideal cardiovascular health and vascular phenotype associations in mothers with obesity and their six-year-old children
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy
, Diagnostic Imaging of A2 Pulley Injuries: A Review of the Literature
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
, Usefulness of High-Frequency Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Melanoma: Mini Review
Frontiers in Oncology
, Ultra high-frequency ultrasound with seventy-MHz transducer in hair disorders: Development of a novel noninvasive diagnostic methodology
Journal of Dermatological Science
, Multi-modality imaging assisted fluorescence-guided resection of glioblastoma: Case report
Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management
, HIGH FREQUENCY ULTRASONOGRAPHY: RELIABLE TOOL TO MEASURE SKIN FIBROSIS IN SSC? A systematic literature review and additional pilot study
, Validation of the soft-embalmed Thiel cadaver as a high-fidelity simulator of pressure during targeted nerve injection
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
, Spectral Shift Originating from Non-linear Ultrasonic Wave Propagation and Its Effect on Imaging Resolution
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology