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Publications related to Vevo 3100

Displaying 1511 - 1520 of 1671 results found
Defective Connective Tissue Remodeling in Smad3 Mice Leads to Accelerated Aneurysmal Growth through Disturbed Downstream TGF-β Signaling
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Complement Destabilizes Cardiomyocyte Function In Vivo after Polymicrobial Sepsis and In Vitro
The Journal of Immunology
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VCAM-1-targeting gold nanoshell probe for photoacoustic imaging of atherosclerotic plaque in mice
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
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Modulation of photoacoustic signal generation from metallic surfaces
Journal of Biomedical Optics
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Non-invasive Monitoring of Ultrasound-Stimulated Microbubble Radiation Enhancement Using Photoacoustic Imaging
TCRT Express
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Nanotherapy silencing the interleukin-8 gene produces regression of prostate cancer by inhibition of angiogenesis
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Radiotherapy-related arterial intima thickening and plaque formation in childhood cancer survivors detected with very-high resolution ultrasound during young adulthood
Pediatric Blood & Cancer
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Radial artery intima-media thickness predicts major cardiovascular events in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging
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Obese children show increased intimal wall thickness and decreased pulse wave velocity
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
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Assessment of vascular remodeling after the Fontan procedure using a novel very high resolution ultrasound method: arterial wall thinning and venous thickening in late follow-up
Heart and Vessels
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