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Publications related to Vevo 3100

Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 1671 results found
Improving in vivo outcomes of decellularized vascular grafts via incorporation of a novel extracellular matrix
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Novel idiopathic DCM-related SCN5A variants localised in DI-S4 predispose electrical disorders by reducing peak sodium current density
Journal of Medical Genetics
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Cardiac reprogramming factor Gata4 reduces postinfarct cardiac fibrosis through direct repression of the profibrotic mediator snail
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
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Annexin A1 attenuates microvascular complications through restoration of Akt signalling in a murine model of type 1 diabetes
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Early assessment of tumor response to radiation therapy using high-resolution quantitative microvascular ultrasound imaging
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REV-ERB α ameliorates heart failure through transcription repression
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In vivo MR-angiography for the assessment of aortic aneurysms in an experimental mouse model on a clinical MRI scanner: Comparison with high-frequency ultrasound and histology
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Folic acid prevents cardiac dysfunction and reduces myocardial fibrosis in a mouse model of high-fat diet-induced obesity
Nutrition & Metabolism
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Therapy with mesenchymal stromal cells or conditioned medium reverse cardiac alterations in a high-fat diet–induced obesity model
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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Attenuate Cigarette Smoke-Induced Cardiac Remodeling and Dysfunction
Frontiers in Pharmacology
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