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Publications related to Vevo 3100

Displaying 1001 - 1010 of 1671 results found
An essential role for Wnt/β-catenin signaling in mediating hypertensive heart disease
Scientific Reports
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The oncolytic Adenovirus XVir-N-31 as a novel therapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Human Gene Therapy
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Naringenin inhibits NG‑nitro‑L‑arginine methyl ester‑induced hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy by decreasing angiotensin‑converting enzyme 1 expression
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
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Aldolase promotes the development of cardiac hypertrophy by targeting AMPK signaling
Experimental Cell Research
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Cardiovascular effects of cisapride and prucalopride on human 5-HT4 receptors in transgenic mice
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
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Angiotensin II receptor I blockade prevents stenosis of tissue engineered vascular grafts
The FASEB Journal
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MMP-2 and MMP-9 contribute to the angiogenic effect produced by hypoxia/15-HETE in pulmonary endothelial cells
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
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Deletion of Rap1b, but not Rap1a or Epac1, reduces PKA-mediated thyroid cancer
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Late-life targeting of the IGF-1 receptor improves healthspan and lifespan in female mice
Nature Communications
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Bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell seeded bioresorbable vascular graft improves acute graft patency by inhibiting thrombus formation via platelet adhesion
International Journal of Cardiology
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