Publications related to Neurobiology
Use of high-frequency ultrasound to study the prenatal development of cranial neural tube defects and hydrocephalus in Gldc -deficient mice
Prenatal Diagnosis
, Use of high-frequency ultrasound to study the prenatal development of cranial neural tube defects and hydrocephalus in Gldc -deficient mice
Prenatal Diagnosis
, Fetal Alcohol Exposure Alters Blood Flow and Neurological Responses to Transient Cerebral Ischemia in Adult Mice
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
, Exploring Targeted Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound to Detect Neural Inflammation: An Example of Standard Nomenclature
Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
, Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion impairs neurogenesis and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
, A Spinal Cord Window Chamber Model for In Vivo Longitudinal Multimodal Optical and Acoustic Imaging in a Murine Model
, Imaging of an Inflammatory Injury in the Newborn Rat Brain with Photoacoustic Tomography
, Very High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging for Real-Time Quantitative Visualization of Vascular Disruption after Spinal Cord Injury
Journal of Neurotrauma
, ROR Beta induces barrel-like neuronal clusters in the developing neocortex
Cerebral Cortex