Publications Library

Publications related to Vascular Biology

Displaying 531 - 540 of 541 results found
Low-dose metronomic oral dosing of a prodrug of gemcitabine (LY2334737) causes antitumor effects in the absence of inhibition of systemic vasculogenesis.
Molecular cancer therapeutics
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The Vascular Disrupting Agent STA-9584 Exhibits Potent Antitumor Activity by Selectively Targeting Microvasculature at Both the Center and Periphery of Tumors
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
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Vitamin E analogues inhibit angiogenesis by selective induction of apoptosis in proliferating endothelial cells: the role of oxidative stress.
Cancer research
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HIF-1-dependent stromal adaptation to ischemia mediates in vivo tumor radiation resistance.
Molecular cancer research : MCR
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Enhanced Sonographic Imaging to Diagnose Lymph Node Metastasis: Importance of Blood Vessel Volume and Density
Cancer Research
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Rhodamine-Loaded Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1-targeted Microbubbles for Dual-Modality Imaging Under Controlled Shear Stresses
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
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Antiangiogenic Cancer Therapy : Monitoring with Molecular US and a Clinically Translatable Contrast Purpose : Methods : Results :
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Intravascular photoacoustic imaging of lipid in atherosclerotic plaques in the presence of luminal blood
Optics Letters
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Ex vivo Characterization of Atherosclerosis using Intravascular Photoacoustic Imaging.
Optics express
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Enhanced angiogenic and cardiomyocyte differentiation capacity of epigenetically reprogrammed mouse and human endothelial progenitor cells augments their efficacy for ischemic myocardial repair.
Circulation research
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