Publications Library

Publications related to Vascular Biology

Displaying 421 - 430 of 541 results found
Epoetin beta pegol ameliorates flow-mediated dilation with improving endothelial nitric oxide synthase coupling state in nonobese diabetic rats
Cardiovascular Therapeutics
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Long‐term miR‐29b suppression reduces aneurysm formation in a Marfan mouse model
Physiological Reports
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Inhibition or deletion of angiotensin II type 1 receptor suppresses elastase-induced experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms
Journal of Vascular Surgery
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Loss of MURC/Cavin-4 induces JNK and MMP-9 activity enhancement in vascular smooth muscle cells and exacerbates abdominal aortic aneurysm
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
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Chronic PARP-1 inhibition reduces carotid vessel remodeling and oxidative damage of the dorsal hippocampus in spontaneously hypertensive rats
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Development of a Glycosaminoglycan Derived, Selectin Targeting Anti-Adhesive Coating to Treat Endothelial Cell Dysfunction
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Establishment and evaluation of a reversible two-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertensive rat model
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
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Regional and systemic hemodynamic responses following the creation of a murine arteriovenous fistula
AJP: Renal Physiology
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Fibrin-Targeted and H 2 O 2 -Responsive Nanoparticles as a Theranostics for Thrombosed Vessels
ACS Nano
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Effect of chronic estradiol plus progesterone treatment on experimental arterial and venous thrombosis in mouse
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