Publications Library

Publications related to Vascular Biology

Displaying 411 - 420 of 541 results found
Customization of bilio-pancreatic limb length to modulate and sustain anti-diabetic effect of gastric bypass surgery
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
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Expanding Acquisition and Clutter Filter Dimensions for Improved Perfusion Sensitivity
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
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Loss of Smooth Muscle α-Actin Leads to NF-κB–Dependent Increased Sensitivity to Angiotensin II in Smooth Muscle Cells and Aortic EnlargementNovelty and Significance
Circulation Research
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Ultrasound-based Pulse Wave Velocity Evaluation in Mice
Journal of Visualized Experiments
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Large is required for normal astrocyte migration and retinal vasculature development
Cell & Bioscience
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Oral chromium picolinate impedes hyperglycemia-induced atherosclerosis and inhibits proatherogenic protein TSP-1 expression in STZ-induced type 1 diabetic ApoE -/- mice
Scientific Reports
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Role of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Seeding for Nanofiber Vascular Grafts
Tissue Engineering Part A
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The Hippo signaling pathway: a potential therapeutic target is reversed by a Chinese patent drug in rats with diabetic retinopathy
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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Reduced arterial elasticity due to surgical skeletonization is ameliorated by abluminal PEG hydrogel
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine
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Collagen External Scaffolds Mitigate Intimal Hyperplasia and Improve Remodeling of Vein Grafts in a Rabbit Arteriovenous Graft Model
BioMed Research International
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