Publications Library

Publications related to Vascular Biology

Displaying 391 - 400 of 541 results found
Computer-Aided Evaluation of Blood Vessel Geometry From Acoustic Images
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
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Chronic exposure to electronic cigarette (E-cig) results in impaired cardiovascular function in mice
Journal of Applied Physiology
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Possible type 1 diabetes risk prediction: Using ultrasound imaging to assess pancreas inflammation in the inducible autoimmune diabetes BBDR model
PLoS One
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Eph-B4 regulates adaptive venous remodeling to improve arteriovenous fistula patency
Scientific Reports
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Photoacoustic Imaging: A Novel Tool for Detecting Carotid Artery Thrombosis in Mice
Journal of Vascular Research
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Trimethylamine-N-oxide induces vascular inflammation by activating the NLRP3 inflammasome through the SIRT3-SOD2-mtROS signaling pathway
Journal of the American Heart Association
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Toll-like receptor-4 signaling pathway in aorta aging and diseases: “its double nature”
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
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Recombinant Decorin Fusion Protein Attenuates Murine Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Formation and Rupture
Scientific Reports
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Monitoring inflammation injuries in the progression of atherosclerosis with contrast enhanced ultrasound molecular imaging
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Altered Penile Caveolin Expression in Diabetes: Potential Role in Erectile Dysfunction
Journal of Sexual Medicine
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