Repeated administrations of cardiac progenitor cells are superior to a single administration of an equivalent cumulative dose

Xian Liang, Tang, Shunichi, Nakamura, Qianhong, Li, Marcin, Wysoczynski, Anna M., Gumpert, Wen Jian, Wu, Greg, Hunt, Heather, Stowers, Qinghui, Ou, Roberto, Bolli

Journal of the American Heart Association |

BACKGROUND We have recently found that 3 repeated doses (12×106each) of c-kitPOScardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) were markedly more effective than a single dose of 12×106cells in alleviating postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling. However, since the single-dose group received only one third of the total number of CPCs given to the multiple-dose group, it is unknown whether the superior therapeutic efficacy was caused by repeated treatments per se or by administration of a higher total number of CPCs. This issue has major clinical implications because multiple cell injections in patients pose significant challenges, which would be obviated by using 1 large injection. Accordingly, we determined whether the beneficial effects of 3 repeated CPC doses can be recapitulated by 1 large dose containing the same total number of cells. METHODS AND RESULTS Rats with a 30-day-old myocardial infarction received 3 echo-guided intraventricular infusions, 35 days apart, of vehicle-vehicle-vehicle, 36×106CPCs-vehicle-vehicle, or 3 equal doses of 12×106CPCs. Infusion of a single, large dose of CPCs (36×106cells) produced an initial improvement in left ventricular function, but no further improvement was observed after the second and third infusions (both vehicle). In contrast, each of the 3 doses of CPCs (12×106) caused a progressive improvement in left ventricular function, the cumulative magnitude of which was greater than with a single dose. Unlike the single dose, repeated doses reduced collagen content and immune cell infiltration. CONCLUSIONS Three repeated doses of CPCs are superior to 1 dose even though the total number of cells infused is the same, possibly because of greater antifibrotic and anti-inflammatory actions.