Myocardial Tissue Engineering With Cells Derived from Human Induced-Pluripotent Stem Cells and a Native-Like, High-Resolution, 3-Dimensionally Printed Scaffold

Ling, Gao, Molly, Kupfer, Jangwook, Jung, Libang, Yang, Patrick, Zhang, Yong, Sie, Quyen, Tran, Visar, Ajeti, Brian, Freeman, Vladimir, Fast, Paul, Campagnola, Brenda, Ogle, Jianyi, Zhang

Circulation Research |

Rationale: Conventional three-dimensional (3D) printing techniques cannot produce structures of the size at which individual cells interact. Objective: Here, we used multiphoton-excited, 3-dimensional printing (MPE-3DP) to generate a native- like, extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffold with submicron resolution, and then seeded the scaffold with cardiomyocytes (CMs), smooth-muscle cells (SMCs), and endothelial cells (ECs) that had been differentiated from human induced-pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to generate a human, iPSC-derived cardiac muscle patch (hCMP), which was subsequently evaluated in a murine model of myocardial infarction (MI). Methods and Results: The scaffold was seeded with ~50,000 human, iPSC-derived CMs, SMCs, and ECs (in a 2:1:1 ratio) to generate the hCMP, which began generating calcium transients and beating synchronously within 1 day of seeding; the speeds of contraction and relaxation and the peak amplitudes of the calcium transients increased significantly over the next 7 days. When tested in mice with surgically induced MI, measurements of cardiac function, infarct size, apoptosis, both vascular and arteriole density, and cell proliferation at week 4 after treatment were significantly better in animals treated with the hCMPs than in animals treated with cell-free scaffolds, and the rate of cell engraftment in hCMP-treated animals was 24.5% at week 1 and 11.2% at week 4. Conclusions: Thus, the novel MPE-3DP technique produces ECM-based scaffolds with exceptional resolution and fidelity, and hCMPs fabricated with these scaffolds may significantly improve recovery from ischemic myocardial injury.