Mitochondrial DNA Variation Dictates Expressivity and Progression of Nuclear DNA Mutations Causing Cardiomyopathy

Meagan J., McManus, Martin, Picard, Hsiao-Wen, Chen, Hans J., De Haas, Prasanth, Potluri, Jeremy, Leipzig, Atif, Towheed, Alessia, Angelin, Partho, Sengupta, Ryan M., Morrow, Brett A., Kauffman, Marc, Vermulst, Jagat, Narula, Douglas C., Wallace

Cell Metabolism |

Nuclear-encoded mutations causing metabolic and degenerative diseases have highly variable expres- sivity. Patients sharing the homozygous mutation (c.523delC) in the adenine nucleotide translocator 1 gene (SLC25A4, ANT1) develop cardiomyopathy that varies from slowly progressive to fulminant. This variability correlates with the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineage. To confirm that mtDNA vari- ants can modulate the expressivity of nuclear DNA (nDNA)-encoded diseases, we combined in mice the nDNA Slc25a4?/? null mutation with a homoplas- mic mtDNA ND6P25L orCOIV421A variant. The ND6P25L variant significantly increased the severity of cardio- myopathy while the COIV421A variant was phenotypi- cally neutral. The adverse Slc25a4?/? and ND6P25L combination was associated with impaired mito- chondrial complex I activity, increased oxidative damage, decreased l-Opa1, altered mitochondrial morphology, sensitization of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, augmented somatic mtDNA mutation levels, and shortened lifespan. The strikingly different phenotypic effects of these mild mtDNA variants demonstrate that mtDNA can be an important modulator of autosomal disease.