Liver steatosis is a component of the hepatocardiorenal syn- drome provoked by a high-lipid diet and activation of Ang II pathways in rats

Thuany, Crisóstomo, Marco A E, Pardal, Simone A, Herdy, Humberto, Muzi-filho, Debora B, Mello


Overweight/obesity is a growing pandemic nowadays that affects many organs and tis- sues. We have investigated whether a high-lipid diet provokes an imbalance between type 1 and type 2 angiotensin II (Ang II) receptors signaling, leading to liver alterations associated with pre- viously described cardiovascular and kidney disturbances. Chronic administration of a high-lipid diet can provoke an hepatocardiorenal syndrome as the result of activation of the Ang II→type 1 receptor axis, which is completely counteracted by Ang-(3–4) the allosteric enhancer of the Ang II→type 2 receptor pathway.