Generation of liver metastases in a mouse model using ultrasound-guided intravenous injection

Amanda, Labora, Hailey, Lee, Charlotte, Chan, Erin, Tabornal, Thuc, Le, Khalid, Rashid, Evan, Abt, Takanobu, Yamao, Hanna, Mandl, Amanda, Creech, Alykhan, Premji, Luyi, Li, Jason, Link, Nanping, Wu, Caius, Radu, Timothy, Donahue

STAR Protocols |

Here, we present a protocol to generate a murine model of liver metastasis by directly injecting tumor cells into the portal vein under ultrasound guidance. We describe steps for animal and cell preparation and two techniques for injecting tumor cells. One technique is freehand, while the other technique is device-assisted using a 3D-printed prototype device. Finally, we describe tumor surveillance with bioluminescent imaging.