ERBB2 drives YAP activation and EMT-like processes during cardiac regeneration

Alla, Aharonov, Avraham, Shakked, Kfir Baruch, Umansky, Alon, Savidor, David, Kain, Daria, Lendengolts, Or-Yam, Revach, Yuka, Morikawa, Jixin, Dong, Yishai, Levin, Benjamin, Geiger, James F., Martin, Eldad, Tzahor

bioRxiv |

Cardiomyocyte (CM) loss after injury results in adverse remodelling and fibrosis, which inevitably lead to heart failure. ERBB2-Neuregulin and Hippo-YAP signaling pathways are key mediators of CM proliferation and regeneration, yet the crosstalk between these pathways is unclear. Here, we demonstrate in adult mice that transient over-expression (OE) of activated ERBB2 in CMs promotes cardiac regeneration in a heart failure model. OE CMs present an EMT-like regenerative response manifested by cytoskeletal remodelling, junction dissolution, migration, and ECM turnover. Molecularly, we identified YAP as a critical mediator of ERBB2 signaling. In OE CMs, YAP interacts with nuclear envelope and cytoskeletal components, reflecting the altered mechanic state elicited by ERBB2. Hippo-independent activating phosphorylation on YAP at S352 and S274 were enriched in OE CMs, peaking during metaphase, and viral overexpression of YAP phospho-mutants dampened the proliferative competence of OE CMs. Taken together, we demonstrate a potent ERBB2-mediated YAP mechanosensory signaling, involving EMT-like characteristics, resulting in heart regeneration. Highlights 1. ERBB2-driven regeneration of scarred hearts recapitulates core-EMT processes 2. YAP is activated and required downstream to ERBB2 signaling in CMs 3. YAP activity is mechanically driven by cytoskeleton and nuclear envelope remodeling 4. YAP S274 and S352 phosphorylation is essential for CM mitosis