Dissecting the role of myeloid and mesenchymal fibroblasts in age-dependent cardiac fibrosis

Joann, Trial, Celia Pena, Heredia, George E., Taffet, Mark L., Entman, Katarzyna A, Cieslik

Basic Research in Cardiology |

Aging is associated with increased cardiac interstitial fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction. Our previous study has shown that mesenchymal fibroblasts in the C57BL/6J (B6J) aging mouse heart acquire an inflamma- tory phenotype and produce higher levels of chemokines. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) secreted by these aged fibroblasts promotes leukocyte uptake into the heart. Some of the monocytes that migrate into the heart polarize into M2a macrophages/myeloid fibroblasts. The number of activated mesenchymal fibroblasts also increa- ses with age, and consequently, both sources of fibroblasts contribute to fibrosis. Here, we further investigate mecha- nisms by which inflammation influences activation of myeloid and mesenchymal fibroblasts and their collagen synthesis. We examined cardiac fibrosis and heart function in three aged mouse strains; we compared C57BL/6J (B6J) with two other strains that have reduced inflammation via different mechanisms. Aged C57BL/6N (B6N) hearts are protected from oxidative stress and fibroblasts derived from them do not develop an inflammatory phenotype. Likewise, these mice have preserved diastolic function. Aged MCP-1 null mice on the B6J background (MCP-1KO) are pro- tected from elevated leukocyte infiltration; they develop moderate but reduced fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction. Based on these studies, we further delineated the role of resident versus monocyte-derived M2a macrophages in myeloid-dependent fibrosis and found that the number of monocyte-derived M2a (but not resident) macrophages correlates with age-related fibrosis and diastolic dysfunc- tion. In conclusion, we have found that ROS and inflam- matory mediators are necessary for activation of fibroblasts of both developmental origins, and prevention of either led to better functional outcomes.