Chemically synthesized Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (LGM2605) improves mitochondrial function in cardiac myocytes and alleviates septic cardiomyopathy

Dimitra, Kokkinaki, Matthew, Hoffman, Charikleia, Kalliora, Ioannis D., Kyriazis, Jennifer, Maning, Anna Maria, Lucchese, Santhanam, Shanmughapriya, Dhanendra, Tomar, Joon Young, Park, Hong, Wang, Xiao-Feng, Yang, Muniswamy, Madesh, Anastasios, Lymperopoulos, Walter J., Koch, Melpo, Christofidou-Solomidou, Konstantinos, Drosatos

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology |

Sepsis is the overwhelming systemic immune response to infection, which can result in multiple organ dysfunction and septic shock. Myocardial dysfunction during sepsis is associated with advanced disease and significantly increased in-hospital mortality. Our group has shown that energetic failure and excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation constitute major components of myocardial dysfunction in sepsis. Because ROS production is central to cellular metabolic health, we tested if the synthetic anti-oxidant lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG; LGM2605) would alleviate septic cardiac dysfunction and investigated the underlying mechanism. Using the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) mouse model of peritonitis-induced sepsis, we observed impairment of cardiac function beginning at 4 h post-CLP surgery. Treatment of mice with LGM2605 (100 mg/kg body weight, i.p.) 6 h post-CLP surgery reduced cardiac ROS accumulation and restored cardiac function. Assessment of mitochondrial respiration (Seahorse XF) in primary cardiomyocytes obtained from adult C57BL/6 mice that had undergone CLP and treatment with LGM2605 showed restored basal and maximal respiration, as well as preserved oxygen consumption rate (OCR) associated with spare capacity. Further analyses aiming to identify the cellular mechanisms that may account for improved cardiac function showed that LGM2605 restored mitochondria abun- dance, increased mitochondrial calcium uptake and preserved mitochondrial membrane potential. In addition to protecting against cardiac dysfunction, daily treatment with LGM2605 and antibiotic ertapenem (70 mg/kg) protected against CLP-associated mortality and reversed hypothermia when compared against mice receiving ertapenem and saline. Therefore, treatment of septic mice with LGM2605 emerges as a novel pharmacological approach that reduces cardiac ROS ac- cumulation, protects cardiac mitochondrial function, alleviates cardiac dysfunction, and improves survival.