Abstract 3940: Acute total body ionizing radiation induces long-term adverse effects and immediate changes in cardiac protein oxidative carbonylation in the rat

Elliot T., Rosen, Dmitry, Kryndushkin, Baikuntha, Aryal, Yanira, Gonzalez, Leena, Chehab, Jennifer, Dickey, Steven, Mog, V Ashutosh, Rao

Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics |

Radiation-induced heart disease presents a significant challenge in the event of an acciden- tal radiation exposure as well as to cancer patients who receive acute doses of irradiation as part of radiation therapy. We utilized the spontaneously hypertensive Wistar-Kyoto rat model, previously shown to demonstrate drug-induced cardiomyopathy, to evaluate the acute and long-term effects of sub-lethal total body gamma irradiation at two, four, and fifty- two weeks. We further examined irreversible oxidative protein carbonylation in the heart immediately following irradiation in the normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rat. Both males and females sustained weight loss and anemic conditions compared to untreated controls over a one-year period as reflected by reduced body weight and low red blood cell count. Increased inflammation was detected by elevated IL-6 serum levels selectively in males at four weeks. Serum cardiac troponin T and I analyses revealed signs of cardiomyopathy at earlier time- points, but high variability was observed, especially at one year. Echocardiography at two weeks following 5.0Gy treatment revealed a significant decrease in cardiac output in females and a significant decrease in both diastolic and systolic volumes in males. Following 10.0Gy irradiation in the normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rat, the heart tissue showed an increase in total protein oxidative carbonylation accompanied by DNA damage indicated by an increase in γ-H2AX. Using proteomic analyses, we identified several novel proteins which showed a marked difference in carbonylation including those of mitochondrial origin and most notably, cardiac troponin T, one of the key proteins involved in cardiomyocyte con- tractility. Overall, we present findings of acute oxidative protein damage, DNA damage, car- diac troponin T carbonylation, and long-term cardiomyopathy in the irradiated animals.