Myc is dispensable for cardiomyocyte development but rescues Mycn-deficient hearts through functional replacement and cell competition

Noelia, Muñoz-Martín, Rocío, Sierra, Thomas, Schimmang, Cristina, Villa del Campo, Miguel, Torres

Development |

Breast cancer is still a serious disease in the world. Early detection is very essential for breast cancer prevention and diagnosis. Breast ultrasound (US) imaging has been proven to be a valuable adjunct to mammography in the detection and classification of breast lesions. Because of the fuzzy and noisy nature of the US images and the low contrast between the breast cancer and tissue, it is difficult to provide an accurate and effective diagnosis. This paper presents a novel algorithm based on fuzzy logic that uses both the global and local information and has the ability to enhance the fine details of the US images while avoiding noise amplification and overenhancement. We normalize the images and then fuzzify the normalized images based on the maximum entropy principle. Edge and textural information are extracted to describe the lesion features and the scattering phenomenon of US images and the contrast ratio measuring the degree of enhancement is computed and modified. The defuzzification process is used to obtain the enhanced US images. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach, the algorithm was tested on 86 breast US images. Experimental results confirm that the proposed method can effectively enhance the details of the breast lesions without overenhancement or underenhancement.