DREADD technology reveals major impact of Gq signaling on cardiac electrophysiology

Elisabeth, Kaiser, Qinghai, Tian, Michael, Wagner, Monika, Barth, Wenying, Xian, Laura, Schroeder, Sandra, Ruppenthal, Lars, Kaestner, Ulrich, Boehm, Philipp, Wartenberg, Huiyan, Lu, Sara M, McMillin, Derek B, Bone, Jürgen, Wess, Peter, Lipp

Cardiovascular Research |

Aims: Signalling via Gq-coupled receptors is of profound importance in many cardiac diseases such as hypertrophy and arrhythmia. Nevertheless, owing to their widespread expression and the inability to selectively stimulate such receptors in vivo, their relevance for cardiac function is not well understood. We here use DREADD technology to understand the role of Gq-coupled signalling in vivo in cardiac function. Methods: We generated a novel transgenic mouse line that expresses a Gq-coupled DREADD (Dq) in striated muscle under and results the control of the muscle creatine kinase promotor. In vivo injection of the DREADD agonist clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) resulted in a dose-dependent, rapid mortality of the animals. In vivo electrocardiogram data revealed severe cardiac arrhythmias including lack of P waves, atrioventricular block, and ventricular tachycardia. Following Dq acti- vation, electrophysiological malfunction of the heart could be recapitulated in the isolated heart ex vivo. Individual ventricular and atrial myocytes displayed a positive inotropic response and arrhythmogenic events in the absence of altered action potentials. Ventricular tissue sections revealed a strong co-localization of Dq with the principal cardiac connexin CX43. Western blot analysis with phosphor-specific antibodies revealed strong phosphorylation of a PKC-dependent CX43 phosphorylation site following CNO application in vivo. Conclusion: Activation of Gq-coupled signalling has a major impact on impulse generation, impulse propagation, and coordi- nated impulse delivery in the heart. Thus, Gq-coupled signalling does not only modulate the myocytes’ Ca2þ handling but also directly alters the heart’s electrophysiological properties such as intercellular communication. This study greatly advances our understanding of the plethora of modulatory influences of Gq signalling on the heart in vivo.