Bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell seeded bioresorbable vascular graft improves acute graft patency by inhibiting thrombus formation via platelet adhesion

Hideki, Miyachi, James W, Reinhardt, Satoru, Otsuru, Shuhei, Tara, Hidetaka, Nakayama, Tai, Yi, Yong-ung, Lee, Shinka, Miyamoto, Toshihiro, Shoji, Tadahisa, Sugiura, Christopher K, Breuer, Toshiharu, Shinoka

International Journal of Cardiology |

Background: Acute thrombosis is a crucial cause of bioresorbable vascular graft (BVG) failure. Bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell (BM-MNC)-seeded BVGs demonstrated high graft patency, however, the effect of seeded BM-MNCs against thrombosis remains to be elucidated. Thus, we evaluated an antithrombotic effect of BM-MNC-seeding and utilized platelet-depletionmousemodels to evaluate the contribution of platelets to acute thrombosis of BVGs. Methods and results: BVGs were composed of poly(glycolic acid) mesh sealed with poly(L-lactideco-ε- caprolactone). BM-MNC-seeded BVGs and unseeded BVGs were implanted to wild type C57BL/6 mice (n=10/group) as inferior vena cava interposition conduits. To evaluate platelet effect on acute thrombosis, c-Mpl−/− mice and Pf4-Cre+; iDTR mice with decreased platelet number were also implanted with unseeded BVGs (n=10/group). BVG patency was evaluated at 2, 4, and 8 weeks by ultrasound. BM-MNC-seeded BVGs demonstrated a significantly higher patency rate than unseeded BVGs during the acute phase (2-week, 90% vs 30%, p=.020), and patency rates of these grafts were sustained until week 8. Similar to BM-MNC-seeded BVGs, C-Mpl−/−and Pf4-Cre+; iDTRmice also showed favorable graft patency (2-week, 90% and 80%, respectively) during the acute phase. However, the patency rate of Pf4-Cre+; iDTRmice decreased gradually after DTR treatment as plateletnumberrecovered tobaseline.Anin vitro studyrevealedBM-MNC-seeding significantly inhibitedplatelet adhesion to BVGs compared to unseeded BVGs, (1.75±0.45 vs 8.69±0.68×103 platelets/mm2,p b .001). Conclusions:BM-MNC-seeding and the reduction in platelet number prevented BVG thrombosis and improved BVG patency, and those resultsmight be caused by inhibiting platelet adhesion to the BVG.