Utilizing High Resolution Ultrasound to Monitor Tumor Onset and Growth in Genetically Engineered Pancreatic Cancer Models

Robert-guenther, Goetze, Soeren M, Buchholz, Shilpa, Patil, Golo, Petzold, Volker, Ellenrieder, Elisabeth, Hessmann, Albrecht, Neesse

Journal of Visualized Experiments |

The LSL-KrasG12D/+; LSL-Trp53R172H/+; Pdx-1-Cre (KPC) mouse model represents an established and frequently used transgenic model to evaluate novel therapies in pancreatic cancer. Tumor onset is variable in the KPC model between 8 weeks and several months. Therefore, non- invasive imaging tools are required to screen for tumor onset and monitor for response to treatment. To address this issue, different approaches have emerged over the last years. High resolution ultrasound has major advantages such as non-invasiveness, fast session times and a high image resolution without radiation exposure. However, ultrasound in mice is not trivial and sufficient anatomical knowledge and practical skills are required to successfully perform high resolution ultrasound in preclinical pancreatic cancer models. With the following article, a detailed hands-on guide for abdominal ultrasound in murine models with a particular focus on endogenous pancreatic cancer models is presented. Furthermore, a summary of common mistakes and how to avoid them is provided.