Expanding Acquisition and Clutter Filter Dimensions for Improved Perfusion Sensitivity

Minwoo, Kim, Craig K, Abbey, Jamila, Hedhli, Lawrence W, Dobrucki, Michael F, Insana

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control |

A method is explored for increasing the sensitivity of power-Doppler imaging without contrast enhancement. We acquire 1-10 s of echo signals and arrange it into a 3-D spatiotemporal data array. An eigenfilter developed to preserve all three dimensions of the array yields power estimates for blood flow and perfusion that are well separated from tissue clutter. This method is applied at high frequency (24 MHz pulses) to a murine model of an ischemic hindlimb. We demonstrate enhancements to tissue perfusion maps in normal and ischemic tissues. The method can be applied to data from any ultrasonic instrument that provides beamformed RF echo data.