This study by Grune et al. compares ventricular volumes by new 4D ultrasound imaging to 1D and 2D ultrasound as well as to volumes by cardiac MRI.
Article Summary:
- 1D and 2D echo are often used to calculate ventricular volumes in small animals – calculations are based on geometric assumptions
- MRI is preclinical gold standard for cardiac volumetry
- Aim to test accuracy of new 4D ultrasound (referred to as 3DE) at determining ventricular volumes in mouse compared to 1D and 2D echo
- Described detailed protocol for acquiring 3DE data in the mouse
- 3DE, 1D and 2D echo was performed in healthy mice and obese mice and in a pressure-induced heart failure model (TAC)
- Validation versus MRI was performed in the healthy and obese groups
- LV volumes by 3DE versus 1D or 2D echo showed higher correlation with volumes by MRI
- Difficulties in endocardial border tracing in 3DE analysis led to moderate reproducibility
- Only 3DE was sensitive enough to detect increased end diastolic volume in TAC animals
New 3DE imaging provides a robust method for calculating ventricular volumes in murine models, which correlates better with MRI compared to frequently used 1D and 2D echo.
1. Grune J, Blumrich A, Brix S, Jeuthe S, Drescher C, Grune T, et al. Evaluation of a commercial multi-dimensional echocardiography technique for ventricular volumetry in small animals. Cardiovasc Ultrasound [Internet]. 2018;16(1):10. Available from: https://cardiovascularultrasound.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12947-018-0128-9