Transient inhibition of neddylation at neonatal stage evokes reversible cardiomyopathy and predisposes the heart to isoproterenol-induced heart failure

Jianqiu, Zou, Wenxia, Ma, Rodney, Littlejohn, Jie, Li, Brian K, Stansfield, Il-man, Kim, Jinbao, Liu, Jiliang, Zhou, Neal L, Weintraub, Huabo, Su

American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology |

Alterations in perinatal conditions (such as preterm birth) is linked to adult health and disease, in particular, the cardiovascular system. Neddylation, a novel post-translational modification through which the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 is conjugated to protein substrates, has emerged as an important mechanism regulating embryonic cardiac chamber maturation. However, the importance of neddylation in postpartum cardiac development has not been investigated. Here we aimed to determine whether transient, post-natal inhibition of neddylation has immediate and prolonged impact on the structure and function of the neonatal and adult hearts. Sprague-Dawley pups were given three intraperitoneal injections of MLN4924 (MLN), a specific neddylation inhibitor, at postnatal (P) days 1, 3 and 5. Cardiac structure and function were temporally assessed during ageing and after 2 weeks of isoproterenol (ISO) infusion in adulthood. MLN treatment resulted in modest reduction of neddylated proteins in neonatal hearts. The MLN-treated rats developed cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction by P7, which was accompanied by significantly reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation. At three months of age, cardiac contractile function was restored in MLN-treated rats, but MLN-treated hearts displayed hypertrophic phenotype. While ISO infusion triggered compensatory cardiac hypertrophy without impairing cardiac contractility in the control rats, the MLN-treated rats displayed a similar degree of hypertrophy, which quickly progressed to decompensation with ventricular wall thinning, chamber dilatation, reduced ejection fraction, as well as exacerbated pathological cardiac remodeling. Our findings suggest that neddylation is required for postnatal cardiac development, and that perturbation of neddylation during development predisposes adult hearts to cardiac failure under stress conditions.