Alamandine attenuates arterial remodelling induced by transverse aortic constriction in mice

Fernando Pedro, de Souza-Neto, Mario de Morais e, Silva, Melissa de Carvalho, Santuchi, Thaís Carvalho, de Alcântara-Leonídio, Daisy, Motta-Santos, Aline Cristina, Oliveira, Marcos Barrouin, Melo, Giovanni Naves, Canta, Leandro Eziquiel, de Souza, Maria Cláudia Costa, Irigoyen, Maria José, Campagnole-Santos, Silvia, Guatimosim, Robson Augusto Souza, Santos, Rafaela Fernandes, da Silva

Clinical Science |

Aims: The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) plays an important role in the pathophysiol- ogy of vascular diseases, especially as a mediator of inflammation and tissue remodelling. Alamandine (Ala1-angiotensin-(1-7)) is a new biologically active peptide fromthe RAS, inter- actingwithMas-relatedG-protein-coupled receptor member D. Although a growing number of studies reveal the cardioprotective effects of alamandine, there is a paucity of data on its participation in vascular remodelling associated events. In the present study,we investigated the effects of alamandine on ascending aorta remodelling after transverse aortic constric- tion (TAC) inmice. Methods and results: C57BL/6J male mice were divided into the follow- ing groups: Sham (sham-operated), TAC (operated) and TAC+ALA (operated and treated with alamandine-HPβCD (2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin), 30 µg/kg/day, by gavage). Oral administration of alamandine for 14 days attenuated arterial remodelling by decreasing as- cending aorta media layer thickness and the cells density in the adventitia induced by TAC. Alamandine administration attenuated ascending aorta fibrosis induced by TAC, through a reduction in the following parameters; total collagen deposition, expression collagen III and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) transcripts,matrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs) activity and vascular expression of MMP-2. Importantly, alamandine decreased vascular expression of proinflammatory genes as CCL2, tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and was able to increase expression of MRC1 and FIZZ1, pro-resolution markers, after TAC surgery. Conclusion: Alamandine treatment attenuates vascular remodelling after TAC, at least in part, through anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory effects. Hence, this work opens new avenues for the use of this heptapeptide also as a therapeutic target for vascular disease.