Knockout of dihydrofolate reductase in mice induces hypertension and abdominal aortic aneurysm via mitochondrial dysfunction

Qiang, Li, Ji Youn, Youn, Kin Lung, Siu, Priya, Murugesan, Yixuan, Zhang, Hua, Cai

Redox Biology |

Hypertension and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) are severe cardiovascular diseases with incompletely de- fined molecular mechanisms. In the current study we generated dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) knockout mice for the first time to examine its potential contribution to the development of hypertension and AAA, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms. Whereas the homozygote knockout mice were embryonically lethal, the heterozygote knockout mice had global reduction in DHFR protein expression and activity. Angiotensin II in- fusion into these animals resulted in substantially exaggerated elevation in blood pressure and development of AAA, which was accompanied by excessive eNOS uncoupling activity (featured by significantly impaired tet- rahydrobiopterin and nitric oxide bioavailability), vascular remodeling (MMP2 activation, medial elastin breakdown and adventitial fibrosis) and inflammation (macrophage infiltration). Importantly, scavenging of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species with Mito-Tempo in vivo completely abrogated development of hy- pertension and AAA in DHFR knockout mice, indicating a novel role of mitochondria in mediating hypertension and AAA downstream of DHFR deficiency-dependent eNOS uncoupling. These data for the first time demonstrate that targeting DHFR-deficiency driven mitochondrial dysfunction may represent an innovative therapeutic op- tion for the treatment of AAA and hypertension.