Disruption of VEGF Mediated Flk‐1 Signaling Leads to a Gradual Loss of Vessel Health and Cardiac Function During Myocardial Infarction: Potential Therapy With Pellino‐1

Mahesh, Thirunavukkarasu, Vaithinathan, Selvaraju, Mandip, Joshi, Vladimir, Coca‐Soliz, Leonidas, Tapias, Ibnalwalid, Saad, Craig, Fournier, Aaftab, Husain, Jacob, Campbell, Siu-Pok, Yee, Juan A, Sanchez, J. Alexander, Palesty, David W., McFadden, Nilanjana, Maulik

Journal of the American Heart Association |

Background-The present study demonstrates that the ubiquitin E3 ligase, Pellino-1 (Peli1), is an important angiogenic molecule under the control of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor 2/Flk-1. We have previously reported increased survivability of ischemic skin flap tissue by adenovirus carrying Peli1 (Ad-Peli1) gene therapy in Flk-1 +/À mice.