A context-specific cardiac β-catenin and GATA4 interaction influences TCF7L2 occupancy and remodels chromatin driving disease progression in the adult heart

Lavanya M, Iyer, Sankari, Nagarajan, Monique, Woelfer, Eric, Schoger, Sara, Khadjeh, Maria Patapia, Zafiriou, Vijayalakshmi, Kari, Jonas, Herting, Sze Ting, Pang, Tobias, Weber, Franziska S, Rathjens, Thomas H, Fischer, Karl, Toischer, Gerd, Hasenfuss, Claudia, Noack, Steven A, Johnsen, Laura C, Zelarayán

Nucleic Acids Research |

Chromatin remodelling precedes transcriptional and structural changes in heart failure. A body of work suggests roles for the developmental Wnt signalling pathway in cardiac remodelling. Hitherto, there is no evidence supporting a direct role of Wnt nu-clear components in regulating chromatin land-scapes in this process. We show that transcrip-tionally active, nuclear, phosphorylated(p)Ser675-␤-catenin and TCF7L2 are upregulated in diseased murine and human cardiac ventricles. We report that inducible cardiomyocytes (CM)-specific pSer675-␤-catenin accumulation mimics the disease situation by triggering TCF7L2 expression. This enhances ac-tive chromatin, characterized by increased H3K27ac and TCF7L2 occupancies to cardiac developmental and remodelling genes in vivo. Accordingly, tran-scriptomic analysis of ␤-catenin stabilized hearts shows a strong recapitulation of cardiac develop-mental processes like cell cycling and cytoskeletal remodelling. Mechanistically, TCF7L2 co-occupies distal genomic regions with cardiac transcription factors NKX2–5 and GATA4 in stabilized-␤-catenin hearts. Validation assays revealed a previously un-recognized function of GATA4 as a cardiac repres-sor of the TCF7L2/␤-catenin complex in vivo, thereby defining a transcriptional switch controlling disease progression. Conversely, preventing ␤-catenin acti-vation post-pressure-overload results in a downreg-ulation of these novel TCF7L2-targets and rescues cardiac function. Thus, we present a novel role for TCF7L2/␤-catenin in CMs-specific chromatin modu-lation, which could be exploited for manipulating the ubiquitous Wnt pathway.